CRSEA created with the participation of the RUR is a partner of the V International Forum “Anti-Counterfeit-2017”
Confederation of Rightholders’ Societies of Europe and Asia (CRSEA), created with the participation of the RUR and united national organizations for managing the rights of different categories of rightholders in the territories of the EEU and CIS countries, is a partner of the V International Forum “Anti-Counterfeit-2017”. The forum, organized by the Government of the […]
RUR took part in a seminar on copyright issues in Bishkek
On July 12, 2017, Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, hosted a regional seminar “Copyright. International experience of licensing in the field of private copying.” The event was organized by the State Service of Intellectual Property and Innovations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzpatent). RUR was presented at the seminar by Deputy Director General, […]
RUR took part in the creation of Confederation of Rightholders’ Societies of Europe and Asia – a supranational organization in the field of intellectual property
On 25 May Confederation of Rightholders’ Societies of Europe and Asia (CRSEA) was established in Minsk, uniting national organizations on the management of rights of the various categories of right holders in the territories of EEU and CIS countries. The constituent conference, which took place in the Republican cultural and educational Centre for the administration […]
Conference of the CISAC European Committee: the second day
On the morning of April 6, 2017, the Сonference of the European Committee of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers of CISAC continued its work. Participants of the Сonference made presentations on topical issues in the field of copyright protection. Deputy Director of the SFP-ZAPA (Poland) Sylvia Biadun drew attention to the […]
Conference of the CISAC European Committee: first day
The opening of the Сonference of the European Committee of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers of CISAC was held on April 5, 2017 at the National Hotel in Moscow. The Сonference was attended by more than 100 participants from Europe, USA and other countries. The guests were welcomed by the Chairman […]
International experts supported the TAG Compendium at a regional seminar in Moscow
Regional seminar “Collective management of copyright and related rights. Transparency, responsibility and regulation (TAG) in collective management “was held in Moscow on June 2, 2016. The organizers of the event were the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) and the Russian […]
RUR took part in the CISAC and AAO conference in Baku
On May 4-5, 2016 an international conference “The Role of Societies for Collective Management in Supporting Creative Activity and Promoting Cultural Diversity” was held in Baku (Azerbaijan), organized by the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) and the Azerbaijan Authors Society (AAO). RUR was presented by Deputy General Director Eric Valdez-Martinez at […]
An agreement signed between the RUR and Azerbaijani societies of AAO and KUSP
Agreements on international cooperation between the RUR and collective management societies of AAO and CUSP (Azerbaijan), representing the interests of Azerbaijani rightholders, have been signed. Cooperation within the framework of these agreements will allow Azerbaijani authors, performers and producers of phonograms to receive remuneration for free reproduction of their phonograms for personal purposes in the […]
An agreement signed between the RUR and the British PRS forMusic society
An agreement on international cooperation between the RUR and the British collective management company PRS forMusic, representing the interests of British rights holders has been signed. Cooperation of PRS forMusic and the RUR will allow collecting fees for free reproduction of phonograms and audiovisual works for personal purposes in favor of British authors and publishers […]
Meeting of the leaders of RUR and CISAC was held in Moscow
A working meeting of the leaders of RUR and CISAC – the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers was held on February 12, 2016 in Moscow. On behalf of the RUR, the negotiations were attended by the Director General Andrey Krichevsky and Deputy General Director Eric Valdez-Martinez, and on behalf of the CISAC, […]