RUR concluded an agreement with OSA (Czech Republic)
RUR concluded a bilateral agreement with the Czech collective authors’ society OSA. This agreement will certainly help RUR to carry out collecting of the remuneration for Czech right-holders in Russia and, accordingly, in favor of Russian authors, performers and phonogram producers and audiovisual products in Czech Republic. OSA (Ochranny svaz autorsky pro prava k dilum […]
RUR concluded an agreement with SIAE (Italy)
RUR concluded a bilateral agreement with the Italian society of authors and publishers SIAE. This agreement will certainly help RUR to carry out collecting of the remuneration for Italian right-holders in Russia and, accordingly, in favor of Russian authors, performers and phonogram producers and audiovisual products in Italy. SIAE (Societa Italiana degli Autori ed Editori) […]
RUR concluded agreements with APF and KOUPI (Republic Kazakhstan)
RUR concluded bilateral agreements with two collecting societies in Republic Kazakhstan – Association of phonogram producers (APF) and Kazakh Society for Performers’ rights management (KOUPI). These agreements will certainly help RUR to carry out collecting of the remuneration for Kazakh right-holders in Russia and, accordingly, in favor of Russian authors, performers and phonogram producers and […]
RUR became a member of C.A.P.I.
Recently RUR joined C.A.P.I. as a member. C.A.P.I. unites EU collective management societies. C.A.P.I. was founded in 2009, Italy. The main goals of C.A.P.I. are to develop an efficient system for related rights protection in EU countries and to monitor enforcement in IP area. RUR is extremely interested in bilateral cooperation with C.A.P.I. members in […]
RUR and ASTERAS (Cyprus) fled into partnership
ASTERAS (Cyprus) is a collective management society for performers’ rights. According to the bilateral agreement concluded between RUR and ASTERAS, performers in Russia and Cyprus will be protected equally on the contracting territories.