RUR represents SACEM (France) in Russia

According to the protocol signed, the French society of authors, composers and music publishers SACEM confirmed RUR authority to represent its interests in realization the rights of authors and other right- holders to receive remuneration for free reproduction of phonograms and audiovisual products exclusively for private purposes in Russia.

In 1994, agreements on mutual representation of interests were signed between Russian Authors’ Society (RAO) and SACEM. On January 11th, 2010 RUR and RAO signed an agreement on mutual representation of interests and cooperation in their turn.
Under this agreement RAO hands RUR appropriate authority to realize the rights of all authors that RAO represents, to receive remuneration for free reproduction of phonograms and audiovisual products exclusively for private purposes. The agreement also involves the transfer of authority to manage rights in accordance with agreements concluded between RAO and foreign partners, including SACEM.

RAO and SACEM officially confirmed that these arrangements give RUR the authority to mutual representing interests and collecting remuneration for free reproduction of phonograms and audiovisual products exclusively for private purposes.
Thus, RUR has official authority to represent interests of more than 130 000 right-holders who have entrusted the management of their rights to SACEM.

SACEM (Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music) – is French society of authors, composers and musical publishers, and is one of the oldest and most respected societies managing authors’ rights on a collective basis in Europe.
Today SACEM represents the interests of more than 130000 authors, composers and music publishers. The register of SACEM contains more than 524 000 products.