An agreement signed between the RUR and Azerbaijani societies of AAO and KUSP

Agreements on international cooperation between the RUR and collective management societies of AAO and CUSP (Azerbaijan), representing the interests of Azerbaijani rightholders, have been signed.

Cooperation within the framework of these agreements will allow Azerbaijani authors, performers and producers of phonograms to receive remuneration for free reproduction of their phonograms for personal purposes in the territory of Russia. The agreements were concluded with a view to protecting the interests of rightholders in the sphere of private copying and ensuring effective international management of such rights.

Public association “Azerbaijan Authors’ Society” (AAO) was founded in 2004 by authors and other rightholders. In the same year, the company received unlimited state accreditation. The AAO concludes agreements with the rightholders on the transfer of authority for the management of rights and collects, distributes and pays royalties in their favor. As of today, over 700 authors and composers are members of this society. Since 2014, AAO is a member of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC).

Azerbaijani public association “Collective Management of Neighboring Rights” (KUSP) collects and pays remuneration in favor of Azerbaijani performers and producers of phonograms.